- Pastor Chip & Chris Beaulieu
Greetings from Dayton, TN!
What kind of church are we? Word of Truth is a church that enjoys studying the Word of God and experiencing the move of the Holy Ghost. In February 2003, Brother Kenneth E. Hagin gave a prophecy at Winter Bible Seminar that included the following admonition:
“Make your church not only a Word church, but a Holy Ghost church. Put the Word first always. Move in the Holy Ghost in line with the Word. And the glory shall be made manifest. The glory shall even be seen by many. And the blessings of the Lord will flow like a mighty river.”
- Kenneth E. Hagin, 2003
Our hearts are to teach the Word of God so people’s lives are fully established in the Lord, their minds are renewed, and their spirits are strengthened. We will also let the Spirit of God move as He desires and enjoy His presence in a mighty way. So if you’re new to town or don’t have a home church, we invite you out to an exciting work in Dayton.
- Pastor Chip & Chris Beaulieu